// Posted by :masdelima // On :Sabtu, 23 April 2016

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Is the state or phenomenon in which the words that sound different, but have the same or identical meaning, as another word or phrase.


small - little
big - large
mother and father - parents


Is the state or phenomenon in which the words have the sense relation which involve the opposite of meaning.

Te word pairs of antonym can be divided into several types:
  • Implicitly Gradable Pairs


big - small
good - bad
fast - slow
young - old

  • Complementary Pairs


male - female
alive - dead
present - absent
awake - asleep

  • Relational Pairs

buy - sell
push - pull
command - serve
give - take
teach - learn
master - servant
teacher - pupil
doctor . patient


Is the state or phenomenon that shows  the relationship  between more general term, ( lexical representation) and the more specific instances for it.

The lexical representation of:
red, yellow, green, blue, purple, black is ( color ).
Thus we can say that: " red " is  a hyponym of " color " and so on.
clarinet, guitar, piano, trumpet, violin, are hyponyms because they are " musical instruments " but there is not a single word meaning  " musical instrument " that has these  words as its hyponyms .
thanks so much for the reader, already have a time for read my blog,i make the explanation like a pictures  for easy to understand and not boring for read.

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