// Posted by :masdelima // On :Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Nama saya masdelima,saya adalah orang yang mempunyai blog ini.Dan saya ingin berbagi knowledge tentang berbagai ilmu.
In this my blog,i want to write down about the summary of symbol and referent.
Symbol and referent
These terms may clarify the subject. A symbol is something which we use to represent another thing - it might be a picture, a letter, a spoken or written word - anything we use conventionally for the purpose. The thing that the symbol identifies is the referent. This may sometimes be an object in the physical world (the word Rover is the symbol; a real dog is the referent). But it may be something which is not at all, or not obviously, present - like freedom, unicorns or Hamlet.

difference between referent and symbol

As nouns the difference between referent and symbol

 is that referent is (semantics) the specific entity in the world that a word or phrase identifies or denotes while symbol is a character or glyph representing an idea, concept or object.

As a verb symbol is

 to symbolize.




  (semantics) The specific entity in the world that a word or phrase identifies or denotes.
  That which is referenced.

Derived terms

* absent referent

Related terms

* refer * reference


* * ----




  A character or glyph representing an idea, concept or object.
 is the symbol for dollars in the US and some other countries.
  ' is the octothorpe symbol .
''Chinese people use word symbols for writing.
  Any object, typically material, which is meant to represent another (usually abstract) even if there is no meaningful relationship.
The dollar symbol has no relationship to the concept of currency or any related idea.
  (linguistics) A type of noun whereby the form refers to the same entity independently of the context; a symbol arbitrarily denotes a referent. See also icon and index.
  A summary of a dogmatic statement of faith.
The Apostles, Nicene Creed and the confessional books of Protestantism, such as the Augsburg Confession of Lutheranism are considered symbols .
  Visible traces or impressions, made using a writing device or tool, that are connected together and/or are slightlyseparated. Sometimes symbols represent objects or events that occupy space or things that are not physical and do not occupy space.

Derived terms

* status symbol * typographical symbol

Related terms

* symbolic * symbolize * symbolism


  To symbolize.

See also

* punctuation

External links

Example symbol

Example referent

Jadi menurut saya,masdelima pada tanggal 11 maret 2016 dapat saya simpulkan bahwa symbol and referen have the different, you can see abou the different of this part from as noun.perbedaannya terletak pada is that referent is (semantics) the specific entity in the world that a word or phrase identifies or denotes while symbol is a character or glyph representing an idea, concept or object.Thanks for the reader and i think thats all
Referensi :

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  1. Try to paraphrasen it litle bit light,..it will be much better writing in the end,..not only copying paste from other resources

  2. Alhamdulillah...
    Thanks for your comment sir.and i will better learning again.
